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As a fellow of the Ghislieri College, I completed my undergraduate studies in Pavia, where I earned a master degree in Geology from the University of Pavia and a second-level master in Science and Technology from IUSS Pavia. During my studies, I did an Erasmus+ exchange at the Faculty of Science of the University of Liege and an Erasmus Traineeship at the Institute of Multiscale Modeling of the University of Mainz. At that period, my research interests focused on Mineral-Physics, specifically on statistical approaches for elastic geobarometry.
During my PhD thesis at SNS Pisa, I worked on depth-averaged equations characterized by Coulomb-type friction terms. First of all, in collaboration with INGV Pisa, I used these equations to model pyroclastic avalanches on Stromboli Island, focusing both on the numerical reconstruction of historical events and the generation of probabilistic invasion maps for possible future occurrences.
Subsequently, in collaboration with Sebastien Boyaval and Minh Hoang Le, I worked on the development of a well-balanced Finite Volume scheme specifically tailored for depth-averaged equations with Coulomb type friction terms. Finally, in collaboration with the probability group of SNS, I began developing stochastic systems of depth-averaged equations where the Coulomb-type friction terms no longer follows deterministic laws.
The main objective of my current postdoc at LHSV (in collaboration with Sebastien Boyaval and Minh Hoang Le) and LEESU (in collaboration with Brigitte Vin¸con Leite) is to investigate the ability of TELEMAC-3D to simulate convection and thermal stratification in lakes. Numerical tests will be conducted for Lake Créteil, for which relevant observational data are available. Simulation results will be compared with these observations and with results obtained from different solvers, such as Delft3D. Depending on the simulation results, we may refine the system of equations and/or explore alternative numerical solvers for TELEMAC-3D for this type of simulation.

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